33rd International Trade Fair of Furniture, Accessories, Design and Interior Architecture
23.04. - 27.04.2025
9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Documents for Exhibitors
Application Form_Furniture and Living_I69.13 K

Application_Form_Furniture and Living_II35.19 K

Furniture and Living_Order of Services for Exhibitors73.76 K

Objednávka služieb pre montáž a demontáž_Order form for assembly and disassembly60.63 K

Price list
Discounted admission: primary school pupils, students to the age of 26 with Student ID and a valid proof of age, Citizens over 62 who show their ID. Citizens with a disability card (white card), assistant of severely disabled person. Free entry: Citizens with a disability card (card with a red stripe). Children under 6 accompanied by a parent. The exhibition center provides discounts on the entrance fee but does not provide a discount on the parking fee.
International fair of furniture, home accessories, design and architecture is an attraction for the salesmen, architects, journalists and the general public. New exhibits, products, materials, trends, technological solutions and knowledge are showcased in an informative and inspiring way.
Exhibition area (2023): 42 975m²
Number of exhibitors (2023): 410
Number of visitors (2023): 58 557